The course includes: First Aid/CPR training, Personal Survival Techniques training, Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities, and Basic Firefighting practical exercises. Students are responsible for their own transportation to the fire academy. There are facial hair requirements at the Fire Academy. More information will be provided to you upon registration into the course.
This course covers the following topics:
- Basic Firefighting
- Personal Survival Techniques
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
- Elementary First Aid
This online course is based on a 40 hour in-person course.
Required Materials
System Requirements
Internet access is required. The preferred web browser is Google Chrome, but you may use Edge or Safari if necessary.
Any applicant who has successfully completed your Basic Training (Blended) (NOREMI-874) course will satisfy:
- The Basic Training per STCW Code, as amended 2010 Section A-VI/1; AND,
- The Personal Survival Techniques per 46 CFR 302(a)(1) and 46 CFR 12.602(a) (1); AND,
- The Basic Fire Fighting per 46 CFR 201(h)(2) [BASIC Only] and 46 CFR 11.201(h)(3); AND,
- The Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting per 46 CFR 302(a)(2) and 46 CFR 12.602(a)(2); AND,
- The Fire Fighting requirements per 46 CFR 201(c)(3), 13.301(c)(3), 13.401(d) and 13.501(c)(3) for any tankerman endorsement; AND,
- The First Aid & CPR requirements per 46 CFR 201(i)(1) when applied for within one year of the date of training; AND,
- The Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities per 46 CFR 302(a)(4) and 46 CFR 12.602(a)(4); AND,
- The practical assessments performed during this course have been determined to be equivalent of All of National Assessment Guidelines Tasks, as documented in NVIC 08-14 Guidelines on Qualifications for STCW Endorsements in Basic Training (Formerly Basic Safety Training).
Applicants are not required to present completed record of assessment sheets when applying for the STCW endorsement.
The Basic Training Online program meets the requirements set forth by the 2010 Manila Amendments to the International Maritime Organization’s STCW Code as well for Basic Safety Training. The course individually meets the requirements for Basic Firefighting set forth in STCW Table A-VI/1-2; the training for Elementary First Aid set forth in STCW Table A-VI/1-3, the training for Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities training per STCW Table A-VI/1-4; and the training for Personal Survival Techniques set forth in STCW Table A-VI/1-1.
The program includes online learning components, online examination through HALO° Exams and is followed up with on-site assessments coordinated with Northeast Maritime Institute for receipt of your Certificate of Training.
Written Examinations
This course consists of one written exam – Basic Training. This exam contains 80 questions and requires a 70% passing score. The written exam can be taken online through HALO° Exams. You will receive 3 attempts for your exam. If you fail all 3 attempts, you must pay a retake fee of $25.00.
Practical Assessment
- U.S. Licenses
Two days of practical assessments are required at Northeast Maritime Institute and its partner fire training academy, or at an approved NEMO° Facility location, per USCG approval guidelines. For scheduling at Northeast Maritime Institute, please contact our Registration Office at 508-992-4025 or at For scheduling at an approved NEMO° Partner Facility location, please contact them using the contact details on our Partners Page.
- International Licenses
Required assessments may be completed at Northeast Maritime Institute or at an approved NEMO° Partner Facility location. Please contact our Registration Office at 508-992-4025 or at for more information.
Current Scheduled Exam and Assessment Dates at Northeast Maritime Institute:
- October 29-30 – Full
- November 12-13 – Full
- December 5-6 – Full
- January 14-15- Full
- January 30-31 – Full
- February 18-19 – Full
- March 18-19 – Full
- April 14-15
- May 15-16
- June 17-18
- July 24-25
- August 7-8
- September 18-19
- October 9-10
- November 18-19
- December 11-12
Assessment Facility Locations
In-person assessments for this course can be completed at the following locations:
- Northeast Maritime Institute: Fairhaven, Massachusetts, USA
- AVTEC: Seward, Alaska, USA (*In-person assessment availability at AVTEC will begin in Spring of 2024)
- STCW Guyana: North Cummingburg, Georgetown, Guyana
*In-person assessments carried out at Northeast Maritime Institute will not incur an additional fee. In-person assessments carried out at an approved NEMO° Partner Facility location may require an additional assessment fee.
*If you are planning on completing your in-person assessment at an approved NEMO° Partner Facility location, please contact them to find out more information. Visit our Partners Page for more details about NEMO°’s approved assessment facility locations.